Do you take insurance?
I am not paneled with any insurance providers at this time. I do provide receipts for you to submit to your insurance provider if they cover services for out of network providers. To know for sure, contact your insurance provider and ask if your policy has mental health benefits and if they will reimburse for out of network providers.

What forms of payment do you take?
I take credit cards, cash, and checks as well as HSA cards. You will be asked to keep a credit card on file for any copays, fees, or outstanding balances. Payment is due the day of service and cards are run automatically the day of your session unless otherwise agreed upon by you and I.

How long is a typical counseling session?
A 60-minute session is actually about 50-55 minutes. This gives me time to document between sessions and is industry standard. Some clients ask to schedule longer sessions if needed. We can arrange this if you’d like.

How often will we meet?
Everyone is different and this will vary on your treatment plan. To start, I typically have clients meet weekly or bi-weekly. As treatment goals are met I have many clients who like to come in once monthly or even less for maintenance as needed.

Can we do sessions by telehealth?
We can do sessions virtually or in person. Telehealth is available to anyone in the state of Florida where my licensure is held. If something comes up the day of your session and you don’t think you can make it to the office, just send me a text and we can change the appointment to virtual instead. I just ask for advance notice to do so.

How do I register as a new client?
Please send me a message on the contact page and briefly summarize what you would like to address in therapy. You can also call or email me directly to leave a message. I will ask you a few questions to make sure I am the best therapist for your needs. If I decide I am not, I will always try to help you find someone who is better suited for your needs.

What is your schedule like?
I’m currently in the office part time and am scheduling clients on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Appointment times range between 10am-5pm. I do my best to accommodate your schedule and to ensure that you get an appointment either weekly or bi-weekly.

I see you're are a Christian therapist. Do you always implement faith in your sessions?
I only incorporate Biblical principles if you want that as part of your therapy. On my intake forms, you will find a section that asks you about your religious preferences. There you can inform me if you’d like to incorporate your religious beliefs in your counseling sessions. If you choose not to, that is completely okay and will always be respected.

Questions about what it’s like to work together?

Here are some of the most common questions I get from others about therapy. If you don’t see your question answered below do not hesitate to contact me.