If this is you, I am here to tell you that you are not alone, even though infertility and pregnancy loss feels like the loneliest place you never asked to be. As a fellow infertility warrior, I “get it.” I understand that infertility isn’t given the significance, understanding, and support that other difficult life events receive. I specialize in offering counseling support for women and couples who are struggling to grow their families.

Counseling for Infertility, Perinatal Loss, and Adoption Support

I have a heart for supporting women because I personally know the pain of these struggles. As women we benefit from verbally processing with a safe person who is not only trained to help you through these struggles but who also personally empathizes with you.

You never thought growing your family would be this difficult and so painful.

The heartbreaking diagnosis of infertility or secondary infertility.

Feelings of loneliness and grief from another year of trying to conceive and still no baby in your arms.

Miscarriage, Pregnancy loss, and Infant loss.

Preparing for the IVF/IUI process.

Failed fertility treatments.

Strained relationships and intimacy with your partner as a result of the trying to conceive process (“TTC.”)

Ashamed of your body for not doing what you feel it “should do.”

Overwhelming fear and anxiety to get pregnant and experience another loss.

Going through the adoption process or are considering pursuing adoption to grow your family.

I work with women and couples who are experiencing or are feeling:


my hope...

My hope is that you feel seen where you are, understood in the season of grief you are in, and not alone on this journey.

Process your infertility diagnosis and all the various emotions that have come with it

Make peace with your body

Find healing in the face of ongoing grief from your losses

Process the feelings of loneliness and isolation felt by infertility

Learn ways to cope with anxiety and depression that is so often felt during infertility, fertility treatments, and pregnancy after loss

Guide you as you and your partner contemplate next steps in your hopes to grow your family

i will help you