I personally understand the stressors that women face in this day and age. Doesn’t it seem like as women we are busier than ever and more stressed than ever before? It’s no wonder that women are more prone to anxiety than men. Whether you are a working mom, a single mom, a college student, or a working single adult you probably know something about stress and anxiety.

Or maybe you find yourself in a season of life that is particularly painful. A loss, a death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or feeling sad and disappointed that life just does not look the way you expected it to look at this point in your life. Grief doesn’t always mean a death took place. Sometimes grief looks like life taking a turn you didn’t see coming. This is just as painful and just as necessary to grieve in order for you to heal.

women's counseling

I have a heart for supporting women because I personally know the pain of these struggles. As women we benefit from verbally processing with a safe person who is not only trained to help you through these struggles but who also personally empathizes with you.

Being a woman in today’s world is hard.

Learn coping skills to manage stress and anxiety

Gain confidence and tools to reach your personal and career goals

Build healthier relationships with your partner and children

Find hope to heal from childhood wounds, trauma, or losses

Identify unhelpful core beliefs and thoughts that are preventing growth and healing

Feel more peace as you better understand your story with compassion and grace 

Therapy for women can help you:


maybe you're experiencing

Relationship issues
Challenging family dynamics
Difficulty setting boundaries
Anxiety, Stress, Burn-Out
Trouble balancing work/home life
Parenting struggles
Career dissatisfaction
Infertility and/or Pregnancy Loss

As a woman I also know that we aren’t always the best at prioritizing our own needs. (Can I get an Amen)? We are so good at making sure everyone else is taken care of first that our own self-care almost always gets put on the back burner. This can lead to even more frustration, irritability, and anxiety.