Christian Counseling

June 20, 2024

Christian Therapy as a Path to Wholeness

Christian Counseling Lake Mary FL,

Christian Counseling in Lake Mary, FL

The word healing is from the Greek word “therapeuo.” It means to relieve of disease, to heal, to cure. It carries with it the picture of therapy, healing, and wholeness that come from taking steps of faith. Taking steps requires movement, and often starting therapy is a step towards the healing and wholeness that God desires for all of us. Sometimes healing happens instantaneously, and other times it is a process. Often times and maybe even most times it is a process. In that process he meets you, strengthens you, sustains you, and leads you one step at a time.

Christian Therapist in Seminole County, FL

Christian Counseling Lake Mary FL, Christian Therapist Seminole County FL, Central Florida Christian therapist, Sanford Christian Counseling

God’s word says that we will have trouble in this world. Suffering will come. How gracious that God has gifted us with others to walk this path with. I believe there are times in our lives when suffering comes, loss takes us by surprise, heartbreak feels all consuming, and we can find ourselves in what I call a “wilderness season.” (Seasons of life where it may feel like God is silent, the tears seem endless, the road seems long and painfully dark). When I think back on my own wilderness seasons, I could not have gotten through them without the support of a professional licensed therapist. Do I think that therapy is necessary for healing? No. But do I believe it is a tool that God used, and a step of faith I personally had to take in order for me to reach a deeper depth of healing and wholeness.

Christian Counseling for Anxiety and Depression

Christian Counseling Lake Mary FL, Christian Therapist Seminole County FL, Central Florida Christian therapist, Sanford Christian Counseling

Perhaps you are in one of these seasons as well. If you are, I’m so sorry your heart has known so much pain. I want to say that going to therapy does not indicate that your faith isn’t strong enough or that maybe you’re “not praying enough” or “not trusting God enough.” This couldn’t be further from what the word of God says. I believe that taking the step to go start therapy is a step not just of faith, but of humility. It takes humility to say that you need help, that you can’t put yourself back together in your own strength, that you desire a new way of living, thinking, and relating that honors and glorifies God.

Jesus often operated through “therapeuo.” Today, as you believe for healing, know that God can do it right away, or He may heal you progressively as you take steps of faith in humility.

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